How can I get more stardust in pokemon go On Apple iPhone 7? | Dr.fone

How can I get more stardust in pokemon go On Apple iPhone 7? | Dr.fone

Iris Lv11

How can I get more stardust in pokemon go On Apple iPhone 7?

Pokemon Go is one of the most popular games worldwide, with over 80 million active players. The game will present tasks you should complete to collect items and Pokemons, thus improving your skill levels and making you better in the game.

One of the essential items you can get is Stardust, which will help you become the best trainer in the Pokemon Go industry. If you’re new to the game and are wondering what the importance of Stardust is in Pokemon Go, read ahead. We’ll teach you all about it and present methods to collect this item faster.

Part 1. What Is Stardust in Pokemon Go?

Stardust is a consumable item that allows you to strengthen your Pokemon. This item will help you reach the maximum of your Pokemon, making them more resilient and ready for potential fights. Moreover, Stardust is essential for trading – you must have a specific Stardust level to trade your valuables with another trainer.

Part 2. How Is Stardust Used in Pokemon Go?

Stardust can come in handy in several different scenarios in the Pokemon Go game. We’ll present all the use cases below to help you navigate your journey and learn the importance of collecting Stardust.

  • Power up– the most crucial feature of Stardust is that it can power up your Pokemon to its maximum CP. It’s ideal for PVP games, and you’ll get the most out of your experience with this consumable.
  • Trading– Stardust is essential for trading, and the amount of the item you need will depend on the Pokemon and the friendship level with the trader.
  • Second Charged Attack– you can unlock the second charged attack if you have a couple of them up your sleeve.
  • Purification – this consumable is used to purify the Shadow Pokemon left by Team Go Rocket.
  • Changing the form– you can use Stardust to change the form of your Pokemon character.

As you can see, Stardust is crucial for numerous gameplay experiences, so you should check out the guide below to learn how to collect these consumables.

power up using stardust

Part 3. Best Ways to Get Stardust in Pokemon Go

Since having Stardust is crucial for your Pokemon Go experience, you may be looking for the best ways to accumulate as many consumables as possible. We’ll present a couple of ways to reach your goals below.

Through Pvp Rewards

One of the best ways to earn Stardust is through Player versus Player features. When you’re playing with other users, you can earn Stardust based on the number of your previous wins, your game level, and the PVP outcome.

For instance, if you’re a Rank 2, you can earn around 2,000 Stardust points by winning a battle, and if you’re Rank 24, the number increases to about 200,000. You can also use a Star Piece to multiply your winnings by 1.5.

Another method is to play with your friends, and the Stardust points can vary from 300 to 1000, depending on your opponent’s rank.

pvp in pokemon go

By Opening Gifts

Opening gifts is one of the main components of the Pokemon Go experience. You’ll get daily gifts you can open for free, earn valuable items, and support your gameplay. Each gift can carry a certain amount of Stardust particles, so you don’t have to do anything to accumulate these items.

The maximum Stardust you can get in one gift is 300, which may not seem like a lot. However, if you open your gifts regularly, you’ll have the desired Stardust amount in no time. You should also combine this method with others mentioned in this article for the best experience.

opening gifts in pokemon go

By Hatching Pokemon

Hatching a Pokemon is also one of the essential parts of your Pokemon experience. Every time you hatch an egg, you’ll get Stardust points you can spend on numerous instances. The Stardust amount will depend on the egg itself; the higher the rank, the better the prices.

You can check out the list below to determine how much Stardust you’ll collect through your egg hatching:

  • 400–800 Stardust for hatching a 2km egg;
  • 600–1,600 Stardust for hatching a 5km egg;
  • 800–1,600 Stardust for hatching a 7km egg;
  • 1600–3200 Stardust for hatching a 10km egg;
  • 3200–6400 Stardust for hatching a 12km egg.

You can also use the Star Piece item to multiply the Stardust amount by 1.5.

eggs in pokemon go

By Catching Pokemon

Catching Pokemon is one of the most efficient ways of earning Stardust points. Each Pokemon has a base rate of 100 Stardust points, but you can earn more points depending on the Pokemon’s evolution stage. For instance, if the Pokemon is in the second stage, you’ll earn an additional 500 Stardust points.

Another thing you should look out for is specific Pokemon characters – some may carry more than 100 Stardust points as their base. For instance, you can get a whopping 2,100 Stardust points if you catch Audino, 950 for Garbodor, 1,000 for Chimecho, etc.

If you stay consistent and catch at least one Pokemon daily, you can get up to 9,000 Stardust points on the seventh day. Moreover, the first catch of the day will bring you an additional 1,800 points.

catch a pokemon

By Claiming Raid Rewards

When the Boss enters your Gym, you may think it’s a stressful scenario. However, you should consider the bright side and fight to earn valuable rewards, such as Stardust points.

Once you and your team defeat the Boss, you can collect the prizes. You’ll win 1,000 Stardust points each time a Boss enters, even if it leaves the Gym without a fight.

If you defeat the boss, you’ll also get a chance to catch the Pokemon, which can bring you even more Stardust points!

a raid battle in pokemon go

By Getting Rocket Rewards

Rocket rewards are sets of items you get after fighting the Team Go Rocket. Each time you beat this criminal group, you’ll be rewarded with either 500 or 1,000 Stardust points, depending on whether you were fighting Grunt or Team Go Leader.

Additionally, if you ever face Giovanni, you’ll get 5,000 points for fighting and beating him.

rocket battle in pokemon go

By Earning Research Rewards Through Completed Tasks

Each player will get their daily to-do list depending on their skill and game level. Once you enter the app, you can complete these daily tasks for Stardust points.

The amount of points you will win depends on the task’s difficulty and duration. However, you should complete all the daily tasks to accumulate as many consumables as possible.

For instance, if you’re on level 45, you can head to the Go Battle League 45 times to earn 4,500 Stardust points.

pokemon go research tasks

By Visiting the Gym

While on your daily walk in the Pokemon world, you should check out whether you can find some Gyms around you. If you do, stop by to hang around with some of the most precious Pokemon characters and give them a berry while you’re there.

You’ll earn 20 Stardust points for each berry you give a Pokemon. It may be the easiest way to earn and use these points for your experience. Plus, you’ll meet new characters and fully experience what the Pokemon world offers.

giving berries to pokemon characters

Claim Stardust Quickly in Pokemon Go by Using Location Spoofing

If you live in a rural area and don’t get too many chances to walk around and catch Pokemon characters, you can use a classic trick of location spoofing. It will allow you to change your virtual location and wander the streets of another city to discover more Pokemon opportunities.

However, you’ll need a reliable tool to realize your Pokemon goals. One of the best options is Wondershare Dr. Fone, which provides a Virtual Location feature suitable for this quest. Aside from the obvious, you can use this application to manage your smartphone, recover data, and improve your overall smartphone experience.

Virtual Location will allow you to head to any city in the world, collect the rarest Pokemon characters, and earn the most Stardust points possible. Thus, download Dr. Fone Virtual Location from an official source, connect your phone, and follow the steps below to learn how to enable Virtual Location:

  1. Open Dr. Fone Virtual Location and select the mode in the top right corner (One-Stop, Multistop, or Joystick Route).

choose the route mode

  1. Set the desired parameters.

choose parameters

  1. Click the Start Movingor Move Here

start moving

  1. You can also click on the Joystick feature to control your movements.

joystick mode

Once you turn the virtual location on, you’ll become an unbeatable Pokemon Go player.

Pokemon Go may be one of the most engaging games in the world. It requires you to move, complete tasks, catch Pokemon figures, and face numerous challenges daily, which is why it’s so popular in the gaming industry.

One of the features that contributes the most to your growth is Stardust, a consumable able to make your Pokemon dreams come to life.

If you’re searching for ways to collect these items as quickly as possible and gain incredible power, check out the guide below. We’ve discussed all the options you can try to obtain Stardust points, including changing your virtual location to get the most out of your journey.

Why can’t I install the ipogo On Apple iPhone 7

For tweaking the official Pokemon Go app right there in AppStore, iPogo is a choice to have. But sometimes iPogo can’t install, and users face a lot of difficulties. At that moment, some users feel furious and look forward to the solutions to get rid of it. If you also hit in the same category, you are on the right page. Let’s discuss it more and look forward to the solution that will help you to install it again.

Part 1: Reasons that you can’t install the ipogo

There are multiple reasons that contribute to the difficulty when you can’t install the iPogo. Some of them are as follows:

  • iPhone version:

The current iPhone version you are choosing may be responsible for the problem for iPogo can’t install. It is important to have iOS version 13. It works on all the known jailbreak devices having the same iOS. In case you have upgraded the iOS 13 to iOS 14, the chances are quite less to use it.

  • iPogo version:

iPogo version is also an important factor of consideration. Time to time regular updates keep coming, and if you are stuck on the previous version, you will not be able to use it. Sometimes the iPogo is down whenever there is an update, and when you try to update it, the problem arises. At that moment, you need to be patient and try re-installation.

  • Direct download method:

If a user is considering direct downloading method, they might also face this trouble because Apple now targets certificate. Now you need to create your certificate with the help of a computer or a paid service like Signulous and others.

Bonus: Simple steps to install iPogo

To install iPogo, we suggest you avoid the direct download method and instead follow the steps to follow with “Matrix installer.”

Steps to follow:

Step 1: Upgrade the iTunes version of your computer to latest version.

Step 2: Now remove the original app from your iDevice.

Step 3: Get IPA from the website download and save it.

Step 4: Launch the “Matrix Installer”.

Step 5: With the help of USB cable connect your Apple iPhone 7 to the PC.

Step 6: Let the installer to detect the iDevice.

Step 7: Now click on “Device” then “Install Package” option.

ipogo install package

Step 8: Now the installer asks for the Apple ID username, and Password mentions the same. Make sure these are the ones used to fetch the developer certificate from the Apple Server. (We suggest you create a new Apple ID)

ipogo install enter apple id

Step 9: Be patient for a while and let the impact or to perform all the work.

Step 10: “Complete” message will appear and unlock your Apple iPhone 7 Screen and move to “settings->General-> device management.”

Step 11: Now hit on the developer Apple ID and trust it.

ipogo installing click trust

Part 2: Risk of installing ipogo and running

You can come across a certain risks also when you are installing and running iPogo. These are as follows:

Jailbreaking is required:

For using iPogo, jailbreaking is required, and it refers to the privilege to Apple devices through which they can remove all the software restrictions. If there is any loss to the data, a user will be responsible for it.

Chances to get banned:

iPogo is an application that can be used after jailbreaking only. After doing the jailbreaking, the chances are there that your device might get banned. You are at a high risk where certain problems may arise.

Can lose access to content:

There might be a chance you have will lose access to content as well. Therefore we suggest you avoid. If you still want to jailbreak your device and want to install iPogo, it is entirely your choice.

Part 3: is there a software like iPogo without jailbreak?

If you are wondering about the same question, then the answer is “Yes”. Dr.Fone Virtual Location is an iOS location changer helping you to enjoy the same features without any hassle. This application will help you to simulate GPS movement along real road or paths you draw. A user can also integrate joystick to make the movement of GPS effortless. It helps you to teleport iPhone GPS to anywhere in the world. The best part is it supports up to five device location management at a time.

Let us understand how this tool can help you spoofing your location.

We are mentioning the steps which will help you to teleport to anywhere in the world. The steps for it are as follows:

Step 1: Get the tool on PC

Start with downloading Dr.Fone Virtual Location on your PC using the official website. And then install it. Once done, launch the program. Now hit on “Virtual Location” from all the options and connect your Apple iPhone 7 to the computer.

drfone home

Step 2: Get the Apple iPhone 7 device Connected

You now need to get your iPgone plugged with PC via a USB cord. Once you do this, simply click on “Get Started.”

virtual location 01

Step 3: Check Location Accuracy

A new window will appear indicating the actual location on the map. If the location does not appear to be accurate hit on “Centre on” icon at the lower right part to get an accurate location.

virtual location 03

Step 4: Turn on Teleport Mode

By clicking on the Corresponding icon in the upper right activates “Teleport Mode”. Now mention the place you want to teleport in the upper left field. Click “Go” (consider a Rome in Italy as an example)

virtual location 04

Step 5: Start Spoof

After selecting it, the system will understand the desired place in Rome and hit on “Move here” in the popup box.

virtual location 05

Finally, the location has been changed to Rome now. Whatever you do whether you click on “centre on” icon or try to relocate yourself on iPhone ROM is the fixed location that will appear, and in all the location app as well Rome is the fixed place.


Here, we have agreed to do to the conclusion that if iPogo won’t install there is nothing for you to worry about because certain other solutions are there that help you to switch the locations without any hassle.

How to Get and Use Pokemon Go Promo Codes On Apple iPhone 7

The steady increase in the number of Pokemon Go users has simultaneously led to the expansion of the software. And such is the use of Pokemon Go promo codes and Pokemon promo cards. Pokemon Go promo codes are short-time alphanumeric codes that allow you to receive free in-game items, as Pokemon prize cards are awards that are gifted to the players who can intensely beat the Pokemon and knock it out.

Pokemon promo codes or promo cards elevate your game to a whole new level since you will be able to possess the Poke balls, berries, lucky eggs, incense, and other various loots. They will make your game an absolute breeze, and you necessarily won’t move around as you play. Besides, Pokemon promo codes are short-lasting; you, therefore, need to claim them quickly.

This article gives an insight on how to get and use Pokemon Go promo codes and promo cards.

Part 1: How to Get Pokemon Go Promo Codes

Pokemon Go often offers promo codes on special events or after successful partnerships.

The availability of Pokemon promo codes is not constant – They do come and go.

Pokemon promo codes are unpredictable, and so are their rewards. Some promo codes will offer exceptional gifts such as cosmetics, while others may be in-game supplies such as Pokeballs and berries.

Niantic shares some free Pokemon Go promo codes on their official Twitter account. Their official statement on the website says, “Niantic offers a limited supply of one-time use codes in conjunction with special events or sponsored partnerships.”

Pokemon Go also has daily free boxes, the ones you attain at no additional cost.

To check if you have received your daily free boxes, you need to glimpse at your store on a day-to-day basis.

With your free boxes, you can obtain different items.

Part 2: The Latest Active Pokemon GO Promo Codes (January 2024)

The latest active Pokemon Go promo codes are less in number and are not readily available. However, here is the list of functional and usable Pokemon Go promo codes.


Part 3: How to Redeem Pokemon Go Promo Codes

With your Pokemon Go promo code, you can redeem it to get insightful items such as lucky eggs, poke balls, and lure modules, among others. The Android and iOS mobile phones all have different ways of redeeming the promo codes. Android device is through the app itself, while the iOS device is through the Pokemon Go Niantic official website.

 Android devices –

redeem pokemon go promo codes on Android

Step 1. Get to the shop bar

Firstly, in the map view, click on the menu icon. It displays various options. Click on the shop button.

Step 2. Enter your promo code

A text bar is usually at the bottom of your screen—type in your Pokemon promo code.

Step 3. Redeem your promo code

Click on the ‘Redeem’ icon.

iOS devices –

sign with facebook or gmail

Step 1. Log in to the Pokemon Go official website

Here, you first visit the Pokemon Go Niantic official website. Log in with the same credential you access your Pokemon Go account with

Step 2. Enter your promo code

Enter your promo code to the key bar displayed.

Step 3. Redeem your promo code

Hit the ‘Redeem’ icon. A confirmation notification will pop up. It will show all the items you added to your inventory.

Part 4: How to Cheat at Pokemon Go

The Pokemon Go promo code is not usually available at all times. However, this should not limit your play. You don’t necessarily have to move around for you to catch the Pokemon. You can still enjoy playing Pokemon Go in your comfort. You, therefore, have to involve a third-party tool. And the best software tool to use is Dr.Fone - Virtual Location. This tool is an award-winning professional tool that allows you to teleport effortlessly. The key features of Dr.Fone - Virtual Location are:

  • It has instant teleportation. It helps in concealing your GPS location
  • It has a full-screen HD map view
  • It has a joystick tool that comfortably allows you to spoof your location
  • It will enable you to spoof your GRS location with a single click

Faking GPS location in iPhone devices differs from Android devices.

iPhone devices –

Here are the simple steps of using Dr. Fone - Virtual Location in faking your location on Pokemon Go on the iPhone.

Step 1. Launch Dr. Fone Virtual Location to your computer.

install dr. fone to start faking gps

First, download Dr.Fone - Virtual location from their official website. Install and allow it to run on your computer device. Click on the ‘Virtual Location’ option to initiate the process of faking your GPS.

Step 2. Link your Apple iPhone 7 to your computer

connect your phone and start to change location

Using a USB cable, connect your Apple iPhone 7 to your computer system. Hit the ‘Get started’ button to continue.

Step 3. Search for a location

search for a location to fake

Here, you need to search for a suitable location that you would like to teleport to. Hit the ‘teleport’ option from the toolbar at the top-right corner of the interface.

Step 4. Teleport to your desired location

virtual location 04

Various options of places you would like to teleport to will be there on display. You can search for it using the search bar or select one from the displayed list and hit the ‘Go’ icon.

Step 5. Teleport to your chosen location

For you to teleport to your chosen location, you need to drop a pin on your preferred place and hit the ‘Move Here’ icon. Now, you will be able to catch more Pokemon since you have already altered your location.

ideal location

Android Phones –

Faking location on Android phones is undoubtedly more straightforward than on iPhones. In Android phones, hacking the GPS location does not necessarily involve using a computer device.

Here are the simple steps of how to fake your GPS location on Android devices.

Step 1.  Enable the developer options

enable option to let developer mode be turned on

When you want to fake your location to allow you to play Pokemon Go freely, the first thing to do is unlock your developer options settings.

Go to the ‘Setting’ menu, which is usually at the top right corner of your interface. Scroll down and click on the ‘About Phone.’ Search for the ‘Build number’ option and click on it. Tap the build number about five times until a pop-up notification ‘You are now a developer’ appears.

Step 2. Download the Fake GPS Location app to your Android device

download the fake gps location on your Android

Go to the Google Play Store and download Fake GPS Location to your Android phone. Install it and allow it to run on your Android phone.

Step 3. Allow mock location

wa stickers

To get the Mock Location option, you go back to the ‘Settings’ menu. Scroll down search for ‘Allow Mock Locations’ and turn it on when you find it. Allow mocking of the Fake GPS app.

Step 4. Search for your desired location to fake

Go to your Fake GPS application and search for a preferred location. To initiate the process, hit the ‘Search’ bar.

Step 5. Confirm your new location

search and confirm your new location

Lastly, head back to your Pokemon Go app. There, you can see your new location cast.


All Pokemon promo codes have an expiry time frame. And the time frames are usually shorter. Therefore, you need to use them before their due time elapses. Currently, there are no Pokemon promo codes. And for you to continue playing Pokemon Go, you need to involve a third-party tool, and the best tool to use is Dr. Fone Virtual Location.

Also read:

  • Title: How can I get more stardust in pokemon go On Apple iPhone 7? | Dr.fone
  • Author: Iris
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 02:51:29
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 02:51:29
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.