Pokemon Go Error 12 Failed to Detect Location On Apple iPhone 8 Plus? | Dr.fone

Pokemon Go Error 12 Failed to Detect Location On Apple iPhone 8 Plus? | Dr.fone

Iris Lv11

Pokemon Go Error 12 Failed to Detect Location On Apple iPhone 8 Plus?

Pokemon Go is a popular game that has taken the world by storm. It is an augmented reality game that allows players to catch Pokemon in the real world using their smartphones. However, many players have reported encountering the “Failed to detect location (12)” error while playing the game. This error can be frustrating as it prevents players from playing the game properly. In this article, we will discuss what causes the “Failed to detect location (12)” error in Pokemon Go and how you can fix it on your Apple iPhone 8 Plus.

Pokémon Go has been on the nerves of its players and this is all because of the AR notion that it presents. The failed to detect location 12 is one of the most common errors that are faced by the players while playing this game. You might not believe but the GPS signals and the location settings on iPhone or Android are the two main reasons for this error. It can be resolved with ease and this article has been written to get the work done with ease. Applying the methods explained will ensure that you get the best results overall.

Part 1: Why is Location Important in Pokémon Go?

The best part of this game is that it has been compiled keeping in view the location mechanics. The location analytics of the game has made sure that it becomes the overnight sensation. Three main attributes are associated with the location framework of the game. These attributes also show how important the location is for the game. Understanding these attributes will also make sure that the user can overcome the errors such as failed to detect location 12 GPS joystick 2019.

i. Physical World Attribute

The best part of this attribute is that it is the center of the user experience of the game. The second part is the fact that this map has evolved and there are no shortcuts to its success. Ingress was the previous game that was developed by Niantic and the crowdsourcing of this map started with the evolution of this application. This was developed by the same team that is working on the core of Google Earth.

ii. Real World Gestures

The augmented reality is another important aspect that is related to Pokemon Go and this also means that the location services are relied on when it comes to this application. The android and the iOS location services are continuously used by the game to provide the pinpoint locations as well as the game features that are not found in other applications. The use of location through GPS satellites even becomes more important for such gestures. Especially when the player is outdoors it becomes too important to deal with using GPS location.

iii. Place Attribution

The system within the system that has been designed by the game developers makes sure that the location inaccuracies are accounted for. This also means that the 4-meter accuracy of the GPS is further enhanced to deal with the perfect location identification of each player.

Part 2: Ways to Fix Error 12 on Pokémon Go

Several ways can be used to make sure that the subject error is resolved with ease. This section of the article will deal with all such ways that can be used to get the work done with ease and perfection.

Method 1: Enable Mock Locations

As the name suggests it is to set the fake location using the build-in iPhone feature. It will also make sure that the feature of the game continues to work perfectly.

Step 1. Go to the developer options of your device. To get to the developer options simply head over to the settings > About Phone > Software Info > Build number and tap it 7 times to enable the mock locations.

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Step 2. Install the Fake GPS that is a free application and can easily be found on the Play Store.

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Step 3. Launch the application and you can easily enjoy Pokémon Go without any hassle and trouble and resolve the Pokémon go failed to detect location 12 fake GPS error.

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Method 2: Location Activation

This is another important and easy way to make sure that the Pokémon failed to detect location 12 error is resolved with ease and perfection. To execute the process the steps are mentioned as follows:

Step 1. Open the settings on your Phone to start with:

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Step 2. Tap on the passwords and security to proceed with the process:

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Step 3. Tap to turn on the location to finish the process and eliminate the failed to detect location 12 Pokémon Go errors.

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Method 3: Reboot the Apple iPhone 8 Plus device

This might seems weird but this trick has been working to quiet some time now and has been proven to eliminate the failed location 12 Pokémon Go issue. There is a possibility that the server location is not synced with the Apple iPhone 8 Plus device. Restarting the Apple iPhone 8 Plus device will make sure that both the locations are sync and the problem is resolved with ease.

Just long-press the power button and choose the reboot option from the menu that appears to complete the process in full.

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Part 3: Best Way to Overcome Location Error 12 on Pokémon Go for iOS Devices

Dr. Fone Virtual location is the best tool to overcome issues such as failure to detect location 12 Pokémon go on iPhone. The program has been designed to make sure that the GPS location is spoofed and you get the perfect outcome in resolving the error under discussion.

The Process

Step 1: Program Installation

To begin the process, download and install the program to get going with the process.

drfone home

Step 2: Enable Virtual Location

Connect your Apple iPhone 8 Plus and enable virtual location from the options of the program. Hit get started to begin the spoof.

virtual location 01

Step 3: Locate yourself

The center on the button on the next screen is to be clicked to get the accurate location.

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Step 4: Teleportation

On the upper right corner click the icon on the third to begin teleportation or spoofing to be precise. Enter the name of the place where you want to teleport to.

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Step 5: Move to the teleported location

Click on move here and the system will move you to the location that has been entered.

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Step 6: Validate and Completion

The location will be locked by the program and your Apple iPhone 8 Plus will also show the same location as on Dr. Fone. This also completes the process in full:

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Dr.Fone - Virtual Location is the best and the state-of-the-art program to overcome Pokémon go unable to detect location 12 on iOS devices. It has an intuitive interface and it also allows the users to overcome the issues that traditional spoofing programs present. It is being updated constantly which also means that you will be able to get the best results. There is no program on the internet that can resolve the error that failed to detect location 12 in Pokémon go as easily as this one does.

Ultimate guide to get the meltan box pokemon go For Apple iPhone 8 Plus

If you are a huge Pokemon fan and loves to play pokemon go, you will definitely be aware of the latest addition to this family- meltan. It’s the only 8th generation pokemon. The first appearance of this pokemon was via Pokemon Go, as a mysterious silhouette. There are a huge hue and cry among the pokemon lovers about this mystery box pokemon. With its unannounced entry, it has sent the internet raving mad. It’s not an easy task to catch this pokemon, though. Let us take you through an ultimate guide regarding how you can get the meltan box pokemon go in 2020. Stay tuned and keep reading!

meltan mystery box

Part 1: What is the meltan box and how does it work?

Meltan, the mythical Pokemon is also described as a Hex Nut Pokemon. A major part of its body is built from liquid metal and its shape is fluid. It generates electricity using the metal that it absorbs from the outside sources. The pokemon uses its arms and legs to corrode metal and absorb it into its own body.

meltan pokemon

The meltan box is actually a mystery box that you cannot receive through the traditional method. It requires you to make an unconventional move to get this box and catch this different pokemon. The process involved to get the meltan box pokemon go include the following:

  1. The first and foremost thing you need to do is deport a Pokemon from Pokemon Go to Pokemon Let’s Go. You don’t have to transfer it to your own copy of Let’s Go. A friend’s copy would come in great help here.
  2. For making the transfer, you will get a mystery box in Pokemon Go. This box will allow the meltan to run into the wild for about 30 minutes. It gives you the chance to latch the pokemon.
  3. If you cannot catch meltan in 30 minutes, you will have to wait and repeat the above process again. As the mystery box will close after 30 minutes, and meltan will vanish from the wild.

Part 2: How to connect pokemon go to pokemon switch

The trainers with Pokemon let can send Pokemon from Pokemon Go to Nintendo switch. Like transferring the pokemon to Professor Willow, the trainers will earn candy to send their Pokemon to the switch. These pokemons will appear in the Go Park complex of your Pokemon Let’s Go.

Rewarding you for sending Pokemon to the switch, you will receive the meltan box pokemon go. This mystery box will allow you to catch the mythical pokemon.

The steps to connect Pokemon Go to Switch is clearly defined in the following points:

Step 1: The first step you need to take to connect the Pokemon Go to Switch is to launch the Pokemon Let’s Go from the Home Menu.

Step 2: During the game, press the “X” button to access the in-game menu, followed by the “Y” button to open the Options Menu.

Step 3: Choose the option “Open Pokemon GO Settings”.

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Step 4: When asked, select the option “YES”. This will allow the game to begin the search for a Pokemon Go account that you can pair with.

Step 5: The next step will require you to set up your Pokemon Go account to pair with the Nintendo Switch game.

Step 6: For pairing up, you will need to tap the Poke Ball icon on your screen and then select the “Settings” option.

Step 7: Scroll down to the option “Nintendo Switch” and select it.

Step 8: Then choose the “Connect to Nintendo Switch”.

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Step 9: This will allow Pokemon Go to search for a Nintendo Switch game to connect with.

Step 10: When you finally see that the Nintendo Switch console is locating the Pokemon Go account, select the “Yes” button on the console to establish the pairing.

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Step 11: Once the pairing is done, you can now transfer the Pokemon from the Pokemon Go smoothly. Let’s get to know that too.

After the pairing is complete, you are now ready to send your Pokemon to the Go complex Park in Pokemon Let’s Go. This can be done by following the process:

Step 1: Open the Pokemon Let’s Go app.

Step 2: In Fuschia City, talk to the Go Park Complex Attendant and select the “Bring Pokemon” option.

bring pokemon

Step 3: Open Pokemon Go.

Step 4: In the map view, tap on the button “Main menu”.

Step 5: Then, tap the “Pokemon” Button.

Step 6: At the top-right section of your screen, you will find the “Nintendo Switch”, tap on that.

Step 7: Now select the Pokemon you want to transfer. Please note that you can only send the Pokemon you have originally discovered in the Kanto Region.

Step 8: Now, click on the “Send to Nintendo Switch”, when you have finally decided which Pokemon you want to send.

send to nintendo switch

Following the aforementioned steps will allow you to get the pokemon go mystery box.

Part 3: Tips to get more meltan boxes

There is a lot of confusion among the Pokemon trainers regarding how to get meltan in pokemon go. Here, we share a few tips for doing the same and reducing your confusion to zero.

Tip No.1: Transfer Pokemon to Win a Mystery Box

With the help of pairing and connecting your Pokemon Go to the Nintendo Switch, you can actually get the opportunity to transfer the Pokemon and win a mystery box for yourself.

Tip No.2: Transfer Pokemon to Friend’s Switch

If you cannot establish a pair with your Nintendo Switch, you can always look for your friends. In case you don’t have a Nintendo Switch with a copy of Let’s Go Pikachu, do not worry. You can still obtain a shiny meltan pokemon go mystery box. You can send Pokemon to your friend’s Nintendo switch and bang… you get the chance to catch the mythical pokemon.

Tip No.3: Use Dr. Fone Virtual Location Service

You can catch not just one but several Meltans through the mystery box. All you need to do is move around in your area and discover the meltan available near you. But not every time, you can get this lucky to obtain the opportunity to maximize your mystery box. If this is what you are thinking, then we are happy to say that you are wrong!

With the help of Dr.Fone- Virtual Location service that is developed and designed for iOS devices, you can change your GPS location with just one click.

It is well-known that Pokemon Go is a location-based game that offers several services only according to your location. You might find it difficult to maximize your pokemon go meltan box without moving or looking for services out of your region. Dr.Fone Virtual Location is here to help. With this service provider’s help, you can change your location and enjoy the unlimited fun that you had always desired. It will also be a great rescue for you if you cannot catch a meltan in your region. Try it and get the Hex Nut Pokemon.


Resolving your query about getting meltan box and offering you a detailed guide and assistance, we aim to help you continue your fun-experience with the game. Play, look for and find all the meltan! You can then evolve your meltan into a formidable Melmetal. You will need around 400 meltan candy to evolve into Melmetal, so be sure to catch as many as possible and enjoy!

Here are Different Ways to Find Pokemon Go Trainer Codes to Add to Your Account On Apple iPhone 8 Plus

“From where can I look for new Pokemon Go trainer codes so that I can battle with other people easily?”

While Niantic has introduced new features (like Pokemon Go battles leagues) to fight with other trainers, there are still limited ways to find other players. Due to this, a lot of players look for sources to find Pokemon Go trainer codes of other people. Thankfully, there are tons of servers and websites to look for trainer codes for Pokemon Go. In this post, I will introduce 10 different places from where you can get trainer codes in Pokemon Go.

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Part 1: How to Find your Pokemon Go Trainer Code (Or Add Others)?

Before finding various PoGo trainer codes, you should know where you find your own code. Following the same drill, you can even add other trainer codes for Pokemon Go to your account.

1. To begin with, just launch the Pokemon Go app on your device and tap on your avatar at the bottom to explore more options.

pokemon go profile

2. This will display details regarding your account with your avatar. From the top section, you can tap on the “Friends” field.

pokemon go friends section

3. Here, you can view all the trainers in the game you have already added to your account. Now, tap on the “Add Friends” option here to invite a user with their trainer code in Pokemon Go.

pokemon go add friends

4. That’s it! To add anyone else, you can just enter their PoGo trainer code, and send a request. Besides that, you can view your Pokemon Go trainer code and can even share it with others from here.

share add pokemon trainer code

Part 2: 5 Best Websites to Find Pokemon Go Trainer Codes

If you are looking for reliable websites to find Pokemon trainer codes, then you can explore these options.

1. Reddit

Reddit has a thriving community of Pokemon Go players that you would love to explore. Apart from the official Pokemon Go sub-reddit, you can explore tons of fan-made groups as well. Here, you can find dedicated threads to exchange trainer codes for Pokemon Go with numerous other sources.

pokemon go sub reddit

2. Facebook

Just like Reddit, you can also find tons of dedicated pages and groups made by Pokemon Go players on Facebook. Most of these groups are closed so you have to first join them to exchange trainer codes in Pokemon Go.

3. Quora

There are different ways to find Pokemon Go trainer codes in Quora. You can either look for questions posted by other people for the same or join Pokemon Go spaces where you can find tons of other players.

4. PoGo Trainer Club

This is a dedicated website to exchange code by trainers in Pokemon Go. You can simply list your code for other players to find or browse other people’s codes. If you want, you can also share trainer QR codes for Pokemon Go here.

5. Poke Friends

This is a dedicated app and is considered one of the best places to find Pokemon Go trainer codes. You can look for other players from all over the world in this directory and share your trainer QR codes for Pokemon Go with them.

poke friends mobile app

Part 3: 5 Best Discord Servers to Find Trainer Codes in Pokemon Go

Discord is a hub for social gamers and Pokemon Go is no such exception. If you are looking for PoGo trainer codes, then consider joining these Discord servers.

1. Pokedex100

This is one of the most popular Discord servers dedicated to Pokemon Go players. Not only will it help you find Pokemon Go trainer codes, but you can also get tips from other pro players.

dicord server pokedex100

2. Pokemon Go Gamers Community

There are thousands of members in this Discord server, making it a friendly community. You can easily find several Pokemon trainer codes to add to your account here.

3. Pokemon Go International Raider

If you want to make friends from all over the world, then this would be the best Pokemon Go Discord server. You can find players from different countries so that you can exchange gaming ideas and play with them whenever you want.

4. PoGo Trainers

This might be a newly created Pokemon Go Discord server, but it is pretty active. The group is extremely social and encourages its members to exchange their Pokemon Go trainer codes with each other.

5. Pokesnipers

Pokesnipers is another popular Pokemon Go Discord server you can consider joining. Apart from finding PoGo trainer codes, you can also get details about the spawning location of Pokemons or popular raids.

dicord server pokesnipers

Part 4: How to Win Pokemon Go Trainer Battles by Catching Powerful Pokemons

Now when you have added trainer codes in Pokemon Go, you can easily fight with other players. Though, if you want to win more battles, then you need to have the most powerful and meta Pokemons. To catch the Pokemons of your choice remotely, you can use a location spoofing tool like Dr.Fone – Virtual Location (iOS) .

  • A part of the Dr.Fone toolkit, it will let you spoof the location of your Apple iPhone 8 Plus to anywhere you like.
  • Players can enter the exact coordinates of the Pokemon’s spawning location or provide its address.
  • The interface of the application has a map, letting you browse the area and drop the pin anywhere you like.
  • Besides that, the tool can further help you simulate the movement of your device between multiple spots.
  • You can use a GPS joystick to move realistically and at a preferred speed. There is no need to jailbreak your device to use Dr.Fone – Virtual Location (iOS).

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I hope that after reading this post, you would be able to find Pokemon Go trainer codes from different sources. I have also listed a quick guide to add Pokemon Go trainer codes and how to find your code. Also, if you wish to win more matches in Battle Leagues, then try a reliable tool like Dr.Fone – Virtual Location (iOS). Using it, you can easily catch tons of Pokemons without leaving your house.

Also read:

  • Title: Pokemon Go Error 12 Failed to Detect Location On Apple iPhone 8 Plus? | Dr.fone
  • Author: Iris
  • Created at : 2024-06-23 01:49:56
  • Updated at : 2024-06-24 01:49:56
  • Link: https://ios-pokemon-go.techidaily.com/pokemon-go-error-12-failed-to-detect-location-on-apple-iphone-8-plus-drfone-by-drfone-virtual-ios/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.