The Magnificent Art of Pokemon Go Streaming On Apple iPhone 6s Plus? | Dr.fone

The Magnificent Art of Pokemon Go Streaming On Apple iPhone 6s Plus? | Dr.fone

Iris Lv11

The Magnificent Art of Pokemon Go Streaming On Apple iPhone 6s Plus?

There’s no denying that the internet gives us the power to do almost anything. Imagine we can instantly connect to the rest of the world by doing nothing but simply going online. That’s why most of us capitalize on this privilege and take advantage of its benefits. How so? One way is through video live streaming. All it takes to stream video online is a little dose of confidence and a stable internet connection. It’s just as simple as that most of the time.

Pokemon Go streaming is very popular on the internet nowadays. Many players around the world go live while catching Pokemon in the streets or battling against other trainers. By far, the Pokemon Go live stream continues to receive support and appreciation from the huge communities of players worldwide. That’s why you should look at this opportunity and see how it can significantly elevate your Pokemon Go experience.

In this article, we will talk about the amazing benefits of Pokemon Go streaming. We will also provide a guide and some tips on how to livestream Pokemon Go outdoors and indoors. Continue reading below to learn more.

Things You Need to Know About Pokemon Go Streaming

In all actuality, Pokemon Go streaming is not different from other forms of live game streaming. You just play the game as usual and interact with your viewers throughout the duration. However, we cannot deny that Pokemon Go streaming has a more challenging format compared to others. Why so? Simply because the game itself requires large body movements and a few physical activities. But don’t sweat it. Streaming Pokemon Go online comes with tons of benefits. Check out the list below to find what exactly you can get from this endeavor.

It can provide an alternative source of income

pokemon go streaming live

We all know that video content online can be monetized through in-feed advertisements and sponsorships. The same thing goes for Pokemon Go streaming. You can earn a specific amount from every ad that appears on your livestream. Don’t worry. It doesn’t take much time and effort to implement. Most of the time, you just need to flash the promotional materials during the broadcast.

It can help you meet new friends or even famous people in the industry

It’s not impossible to turn the regular viewers of your Pokemon Go Livestream into real-life friends. As we all know, virtual interaction is indeed a powerful spark that ignites connections between people. Don’t worry. That’s totally fine. In fact, you can take advantage of it to improve your follower count and meet famous people.

It can improve cognitive performance

It’s true to say that multi-tasking is the core of Pokemon Go streaming. Of course, you have to stay focused on the actual game while engaging with your viewers. That seems like a handful of work. But fret not. Juggling multiple tasks one after another is actually beneficial to your health. As you get exposed to such arrangements over and over, your cognitive performance further improves, too.

It can make an ordinary Pokemon Go player go global

global presence

Fate works in mysterious ways. We never know what’s waiting ahead. One day, you’re just an ordinary Pokemon Go player who enjoys catching Pokemon around the neighborhood. The next, you’re a star trainer competing globally for championship events. That’s possible to happen with Pokemon Go streaming as your ultimate stepping stone. Hence, don’t ever underestimate the power of this venture.

How to Live-Stream Pokemon Go on Mobile Phones

The primary mechanics of Pokemon Go involve a lot of outdoor strolling and physical movement. For instance, you have to walk around the street to catch as many Pokemon as possible. Another thing is that you need to visit the physical location of the PokeStops to spin the Photo Disc. Therefore, it’s highly recommended to use mobile devices when streaming Pokemon Go adventures. Don’t fret. Most modern smartphones nowadays are capable of handling such demanding tasks. Do you want to try it now? Here’s a short guide to help you get started.

Check your mobile device and internet connection very well

smartphone and internet power

It’s fair to say that Pokemon Go streaming is not extremely particular when it comes to equipment. You can actually go live under natural daylight and document your adventure as it is. However, keep in mind that you’re simultaneously doing two different tasks in this regard. One is streaming, and the other is playing. Therefore, ensure your mobile device and internet connection can handle heavy workloads as such. A smartphone with 8 GB RAM (or higher) and an internet connection of at least 25 Mbps is highly recommended.

Choose a live-streaming application and create an account

streaming platform

Of course, you can bring a full computer setup outside while exploring around. That’s why you should choose a live-streaming application with features that allow you to broadcast directly on Your Apple iPhone 6s Plus. Don’t worry. There are lots of choices on the internet. Pick the best one, and then create your Pokemon Go streaming account. Optimize your profile and make sure that the details are complete.

Set up the Pokemon Go Livestream

set up live stream

Set up the livestream accordingly. Start by writing a catchy title for your broadcast. Make sure that it clearly states the content and the intent of your Pokemon Go livestream. After that, add some keywords and specify the language of your stream. Yes. It’s very important because it will help interested viewers find you on the internet. Lastly, check the audio output. Adjust the volume clarity if necessary. Once you’re done, it’s time to hit the Go Live button and say “Hi” to the world.

Start playing Pokemon Go

play pokemon live

Play Pokemon Go as if nobody is watching you online. Simply put, carry on with your usual gaming routine. Don’t let the audience distract you from the game. However, make sure that you interact with them as you go along. Try talking while you’re on the ground and catching Pokemon nearby. Respond to the comments once in a while. The point is that you have to extend the actual Pokemon Go experience to them. Trust yourself. You can definitely do that.

Important Tips When Streaming Pokemon Go Online

The best tip that anyone can give you is to be yourself when you livestream Pokemon Go. Don’t hide behind false pretense just to portray someone you know you’re not. Let your viewers see the real you through the lens of the camera. Certainly, it will eventually help you build a larger and broader viewership over time. Are you looking for some more tips? Check out the list below.

pokemon go livestream tips

  • Consider your safety as the primary priority. Stay alert and keep your essential belongings within your sight. You never know. People with ill intentions are just around the corners of the street. Hence, keep yourself safe from this kind of situation that may put your life in real danger.
  • One way to broaden your online exposure is to go live on a regular and consistent timetable. Plan ahead the exact schedule of your Pokemon Go livestream and announce it on your official social media handles.
  • Adhere to the rules and policies implemented not only by Pokemon Go but also by your chosen platform. Don’t break any of them because such actions can affect your progress as a player and streamer.
  • Take constructive feedback positively. Yes. Expect that once you go live on the internet, you will receive various kinds of reactions from other people. But don’t let them get into your head as much as possible. Keep your head high and work on the improvements at your own pace.

Can You Livestream Pokemon Go Inside Your Home?

Is it possible to livestream Pokemon Go from the comfort of your own home? The short answer is absolutely yes. Indoor Pokemon Go streaming is feasible with the aid of Wondershare Dr.Fone. It offers a powerful Virtual Location feature capable of simulating GPS movements needed in Pokemon Go. Don’t worry. It’s very easy to use. As a matter of fact, beginners can ace it in no time. Here’s a short guide to help you get started.

  • Step 1: Download Wondershare Dr.Fone from its official website. Then, install it on your computer.
  • Step 2: Open the newly installed software on your desktop. Once it fully loads up, connect your smartphone using a data cable. Follow the on-screen instructions to make sure that the connection between the two devices is firm and stable.
  • Step 3: Go to the left-side panel and then click Toolbox. On the main dashboard, click Virtual Location. Let Wondershare Dr.Fone download additional resources if it’s your first time accessing this feature.
  • Step 4: After the download process has been completed, Wondershare Dr.Fone - Virtual Location will then open in a separate window. From there, go to the top-right menu bar and then click One-Stop Route. The starting point for this simulation will be automatically determined based on your current location. If you wish to change it, simply click Teleport Mode on the menu bar and then choose your desired replacement. As for the destination, search for your preferred location or tap anywhere around the map on the screen.

wondershare drfone virtual location

  • Step 5: Calibrate the provided settings according to your liking. Start by specifying your preferred type and number of trips. After that, adjust the movement speed by dragging the slider from left to right. Once you’re done, commence the simulation immediately. Click Move Here. If you wish to reset your inputs, click Clear instead.

adjust movement settings

  • Step 6: Use the map on the screen as your guide to track down the real-time progress of the simulation. If you wish to put the movement on hold for a little while, click Pause. On the other hand, click Clear if you want to start all over again.

movement simulation ongoing


Well, it looks a lot like Pokemon Go streaming is the newest way to enjoy this mobile game. You go live on the internet streaming platform while catching the Pokemon nearby. If you want to elevate your Pokemon Go experience, start streaming your adventure online. Refer to the tutorial and tips above to help you get the ball rolling. Furthermore, download Wondershare Dr.Fone for free on your computer. It has a potent Virtual Location feature that can help you livestream Pokemon Go from the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is set up Wondershare Dr.Fone on your desktop and let it simulate GPS movements based on your inputs. Yes. You can absolutely do that with just the snap of a finger. Therefore, start a Pokemon Go streaming channel today and enjoy a more exciting journey ahead.

Catch or Beat Sleeping Snorlax on Pokemon Go For Apple iPhone 6s Plus

Embracing new challenges and seeking out rare creatures to add to their Pokédex consistently excites Pokémon GO players. The coveted reward for players globally, Snorlax, a legendary Pokémon, is widely recognized as the iconic Sleeping Snorlax. Despite being one of the original 151 Pokémon in Pokémon GO, capturing Snorlax remains exceptionally challenging. It falls under Z’s category of Pokémons, which also includes Komala and Abra.

This makes it a unique challenge for trainers seeking to add this heavyweight Pokémon to their collection. In this guide, we will go through the latest strategies and updates in the Pokémon GO universe. The aim is to reveal the secrets to catching a Pokémon Sleeping Snorlax in 2024. Read the article as we explore the techniques, locations, and special events that will increase your chances of capturing this Pokémon.

sleeping snorlax pokemon go

Part 1: What Is a Sleeping Snorlax in Pokémon GO

Part of the original 151 creatures in Pokémon GO, Snorlax is a Pokémon from the Pokémon franchise. It stands out as a normal type with notable Combat Power (CP) and endurance. Its substantial Hit Points (HP) and powerful moves make it a formidable defender in gyms, earning it a reputation as a resilient fighter.

overview of sleeping snorlax

Being one of the Z’s category Pokémon, known for their sleepy and relaxed nature, is reflected in its appearance. Snorlax Pokémon sleeping is a large, bear-like Pokémon with a big belly and is often found blocking paths in mainline Pokémon games.

In Pokémon GO, Snorlax can be encountered in the wild, but it is more commonly obtained through special events or raids. Like other Pokémon, Snorlax can be powered up and used in battles against other trainers or in raids. Below is a detailed table explaining everything about Snorlax:

Specs Snorlax
Pokédex No 143
Generation 1st
Region Kanto
Height 6’11” or 2.1 m
Weight 1014.1 lbs. or 460.0 kg
Stamina 143
Pokédex No 330
Attack 190
Defense 169
Max HP 285
Max CP 3384
Abilities Thick Fat & Immunity
Best Moves Lick & Hyper Beam
Evolves From Evolves From

Part 2: Is It Possible To Capture a Sleeping Snorlax in Pokémon GO?

When it comes to whether it is possible to capture a Snorlax sleeping Pokémon, the answer is a resounding yes. Being rare, the chances to encounter and capture have steadily risen compared to past years. With its formidable stats, Snorlax reaches an impressive maximum Combat Power (CP) of 3884.

At Pokémon Z’s Event 2023, participants had the chance to capture not only Snorlax but also its rare shiny variant. Moreover, after completing the special research task, users were able to encounter a Snorlax with a nightcap. To get Snorlax more easily, users are recommended to use Pokémon Go Plus +.

Utilizing advanced Bluetooth and low-energy technology, the Pokémon GO Plus + device establishes connections with both the Pokémon Sleep and Pokémon GO mobile applications. Its functionality extends to monitoring sleep, a feature it shares with Pokémon Sleep. All you need to do is hold the central button, put it near you, and go to sleep. It includes a Pikachu to sing you lullabies and work as a morning alarm.

Moreover, the Pokémon GO Plus + accessory facilitates the spinning of PokéStops. It enables the automatic throwing of different Poké Balls, Great Balls, and Ultra Balls. Thus eliminating the need to press any buttons. Below is a detailed table about the specifications of Pokémon GO Plus + to capture Snorlax sleeping Pokémon:

Specs Pokémon GO Plus +
On Sale America: July 14, 2023 / Europe: July 21, 2023
Package Contents Pokémon GO Plus + strap with clip, Pokémon GO Plus + device, operations manual, USB charging cable
Device Size
Diameter: 64.5mm

Thickness: 18.3mm

| Device Weight | 50g |
| Internal Battery |

Lithium-ion battery

Charges via USB Type-C

| Battery Charging Time | 3.5 Hours |
| Functions | Vibration and sounds |
| Platform/OS |

Android 7 and up

iOS 14 and up


Part 3: How To Catch a Sleeping Snorlax With the Help of Pokémon GO Plus+

With the release of Pokémon GO Plus + in July 2023, Nianticreleased a week-long “Catching Some Z’s” event. The main part of the event was to increase the spawned rate for Snorlax and a special encounter with a Snorlax with a nightcap. While the event has long finished, Pokémon GO Plus + remains.

Many users have reported increased sightings of Snorlax even after the event when using Pokémon GO Plus +. As discussed earlier, Pokémon GO Plus + uses Bluetooth to remain connected with the Pokémon GO app. Here are the steps you need to follow to pair Pokémon GO with the Pokémon GO Plus + for help in catching Pokémon Snorlax sleeping:

  • Step 1. Begin by enabling Bluetooth, opening the Pokémon GO app on your device, and tapping the central Pokéball button. Now tap “Settings” from the top right corner and select “Connected Devices and Devices.”

proceed to connected devices

  • Step 2. On the following screen, press “Accessory Devices” to access the pairing menu. Now, move to Pokémon GO Plus + and press the main button. Once it appears in the “Available Devices” section of the Pokémon GO app, begin the pairing process following the on-screen instructions.

connect your pokemon go

Part 4: Enhance Your Gaming Experience With One-Click Location Spoofer of 2024

Are you having issues with capturing Pokemon Snorlax sleeping despite employing Pokémon GO Plus +? Given the rarity and low spawning rate, capturing Snorlax can be hard. This becomes especially difficult if you are unable to travel long distances. To come to your rescue, there’s another useful tool at your disposal named Wondershare Dr.Fone - Virtual Location. Enabling you to simulate your location anywhere globally, it also incorporates lifelike movement.

With just one click, modify your GPS location effortlessly using this tool that smoothly integrates with both iOS and Android devices. This means you can easily explore diverse in-game terrains. It increases your chances of encountering Snorlax Sleeping Pokemon in various locations. Wondershare Dr.Fone gives you precise control over your virtual location, ensuring that you can navigate the Pokémon GO map with accuracy.

Standout Features of Dr.Fone - Virtual Location

  1. Effortlessly import/export GPX files containing diverse paths, enabling you to save and view your preferred routes with a simple click.
  2. When spoofing your GPS location on an iOS device, you don’t need to jailbreak it when using Dr.Fone - Virtual Location.
  3. It offers you the flexibility to traverse at various simulated speeds, such as walking, cycling, driving, etc., ranging from 3.6 km/h to 108 km/h.

Steps To Enhance Your Gaming Experience With One-Click Location Spoofer of 2024

Save time and energy by using Wondershare Dr.Fone - Virtual Location feature. There is no need to physically travel to different places by simply adjusting your virtual location.

When coupled with powerful Pokémon GO Plus +, it can increase your chances of encountering Sleeping Snorlax significantly. Here is how to enhance your gaming experience and get help in capturing Pokémon sleeping Snorlax via Dr.Fone - Virtual Location:

  • Step 1. Activate Teleport Mode in Dr.Fone - Virtual Location

Open Wondershare Dr.Fone - Virtual Location, connect your smartphone with an original USB cable, and choose the “Teleport Mode” option located in the top-right section. The specific icon for Teleport Mode is the first one from the left in that section. Once Teleport Mode is activated, click on the search bar at the top-left to input the desired location. After entering the location, press “Enter” to continue.

switch to teleport mode

  • Step 2. Teleport to the Chosen Location

As you enter the desired location, the map will confirm your selection. If you wish to teleport to this designated location, click on “Move Here.” The smartphone’s location will promptly switch to the chosen destination and reflect on the map. You can then verify that the Apple iPhone 6s Plus device’s current location matches the updated location by opening the maps app on the Apple iPhone 6s Plus device.

move to the required location

  • Step 3. Simulate Movement with One-Stop Route

To simulate movement, navigate to the top-right section and click “One-Stop Route.” It is the third icon from the left. After moving to the desired location, tap anywhere on the map to designate your destination. Specify the number of round trips and opt for either a Round or Loop trip. Adjust the walking speed by sliding the speed option. Finally, tap “Move Here” for the movement simulation.

set up one route location

  • Step 4. Enable the Multi-Stop Route Feature

If you want to visit more than one stop, enable the Multi-Stop Route mode. You can do it by accessing the top-right section adjacent to the One-Stop Route mode. Once activated, designate multiple locations on the map by selecting your desired points. Specify the number of trips and speed settings. Initiate the process by clicking on “Start Moving.” During the simulation, you can “Pause” the sequence at any point.

begin moving with multi-route stop


In conclusion, the pursuit of capturing a Snorlax Pokémon sleeping in Pokémon GO is an ever-evolving adventure. To enhance your gaming experience and increase your chances of success, consider incorporating Wondershare Dr.Fone - Virtual Location. With its one-click location spoofer, Dr.Fone adds versatility and efficiency to your exploration. It allows you to enjoy the thrill of the hunt without physical constraints.

The Most Useful Tips for Pokemon Go Ultra League On Apple iPhone 6s Plus

The Ultra League is one of the three leagues in the Pokemon Go Battle League. It is a league where trainers can battle with their Pokemon that have a CP of 2500 or less. The Ultra League is a great place to test out your Pokemon and see how they fare against other trainers. Here are some tips to help you succeed in the Ultra League.

“All that just to hatch a pidgey?”

Here comes the Pokemon Go Ultra League! Now you can battle other strangers, friends, and trainers alike to lift the ranks and win exciting prizes. Though the official season has already arrived, it’s not too late to be a part of the fun! Without any doubt, the coming of the best Ultra League Pokemon is now offering you a chance to battle out your sets of Pokemon against players across the globe. This game of regions and countries needs effective strategies so that players pick out the best collection of Pokemon, representing your team against other nations.

Pokemon Go Ultra League

Isn’t it getting too enticing to dive in? What’s next? Before you set yourself on the ground, gear up for knowing the most useful tips for Pokemon Go Ultra League. You will be thankful for these tips later!

How Does the UltraLeague Team Work on Pokemon Go?

As the Ultra League Pokemon Go is not as cheap to develop a team as the great league, there is still a chance of being a CP cap of 2500. You won’t be maxing out Pokemon in a similar way as the Master League. However, a slightly higher CP brings more legendaries appearances that you have been catching in Raids or weekly Research for years.

Pokemon go ultra league tier list

For your help, here are the trios for your better understanding of the building up of a team. Consider following as examples-

  • Mew and Giratina are in the majority of triumphing compositions. Suicune is replaceable with Cressida, Alolan Muk, Dragonite, Registeel, Jirachi, or more from Pokemon go ultra league tier list.
  • You should prefer having a starter team if there is no legendary pokemon. Unlock with Candy and Stardust— wreak massive damage, building a team of three starters is more than feasible.
  • Togekiss or cute team is one of the brilliant teams in the Pokemon Go ultra league meta to proceed with the game.

No doubt, such teams will struggle somewhat against steel-types, such as Escavalier. You have a lot of play against everything else. Think about the excellent strategy that when applied, meet the targets.

Your team is in your hands, be wise before hitting the battle. You might need help to pick the best Pokemon along with knowing why.

Read on to learn more-

Well, it can be tempting to put your highest rated Pokemon into the ultra League Pokemon Go because the higher CP describes the mighty strength. Right? So, even with a few of the below Pokemon in your team, you should be able to fare battle while you select those as near to the 2500 CP as possible.

Here you go-

1. Venusaur

Ultra league Pokemon Go

The ability of this Pokemon to use the charged move sludge bomb prevents any troublesome Fairy-type Pokemon that you may confront. It includes the benefit over Rocky, Ground, and Water-type Pokemon due to its Grass-type move, making Venusaur help you win the match.

2. Charizard

Pokemon go ultra league meta

Charizard among the Pokemon Go ultra league tier list shines as it balances effortlessly to hold off. With its second move on, it remains strong. There is a need to have such an iconic Pokemon of all the time in your team. What do you think?

3. Machamp

best Pokemon for the ultra league

Neglecting the fighting, which is not as prevalent in the ultra League Pokemon Go as it was in the Great League, Machamp is still strong enough, especially when you are looking for something to round off some of the powerful picks as a counter option.

4. Alolan Muk

best Ultra League Pokemon

One of the finest defenders in Pokemon go ultra league team, Alolan Muk has the potential to be a vital counter member. Featuring in 7 KM Eggs, the Pokemon is a poison/ dark type.

5. Snorlax

Pokemon go best ultra league team

A tremendous defensive option for many reasons, Snorlax is one whom you can drop into Pokemon go best ultra league team with little effort while you look for a reliable third option.

These are the Pokemons currently in the Pokemon go ultra league meta for you to use. However, it doesn’t mean you have only these options. Don’t forget about the bunch of newcomers, including Raikou, Togekiss, Meganium, Lucario, Lapras, and more. Thus you have to select your team with your mixes by keeping such information in mind.

Where to Catch the best Pokemon for Ultra League?

Now, Pokemon Go Ultra League has a CP limitation when it comes to picking your Pokemon. CP limits players to select from a wide range of Pokemon list and also have the chance to avoid the most robust set of Pokemon in the battle. Niantic only allows the best Pokemon for the ultra league that is at or below a CP of 2700.

With such a limit, everyone can be innovative and experimental on which Pokemon deserved to battle.

The advancement in technology helps you access the location in the smart ultra league-best pokemon game through useful Dr Fone Toolkit. It is when installed in your iOS or Android; you will reach the exact virtual location asked for. This desk software is easy to use and helps you teleport anywhere worldwide, simulate movements set between multiple spots, and joystick plays a marvellous role for flexible GPS control.

However, there is a need to mark the best PVP pokemon go ultra league to know your ranking status. Through this desk software, you can easily simulate movement along a route, set by two spots. Follow these steps-

Before playing best ultra league pokemon game, users should connect to the desk software and enter the coordinates and click “move here“ first, After that,they can open their game- pokemon running on Dr Fone -Virtual location (iOS )with joystick.

Step 1. Go to the One-stop mode by choosing the corresponding icon in the upper right.

Step 2. Pick a spot where you want to go on the map. The popup box will appear to tell you how far it is.

Step 3. Further, drag the slider downwards to manage how fast you can walk. For instance, use the cycling speed and then click “move here,” especially when asked to search for the best Pokemon for the ultra league.

best PVP pokemon go ultra league

Step 4. Enter a number in the new popup box to describe the number of times you want to move back and forth amid the two places. Then, finally, click “March” to begin simulating the movement.

Now, you can easily view your position moving on the map with the cycle’s speed.

Who has given a thought to the involvement of a navigation app for experiencing the best ultra league PVP pokemon go? Experience the game and have fun!

Also read:

  • Title: The Magnificent Art of Pokemon Go Streaming On Apple iPhone 6s Plus? | Dr.fone
  • Author: Iris
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 02:51:35
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 02:51:35
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.